The Impeder is used inhigh frequency welding of tubes and pipes.
IMPEDER Catalogue.pdf

Hinoday has developed a ruggedperformance ferrite core material designated MES 017. This material bestmeets the demanding requirements of high frequency welding.It lowers the reluctance of the magnetic path, thereby saving energy and improvingoverall process efficiency. |
MES 017 cores provide an ideal magnetic patheven at high temperatures, its high density constructions adds the mechanicalstrength for long life in severe operating environment in a steel tubemill. |


Cores for Common Mode Chokes
Standard types, VITROPERM 500 F, cased designs
VF type series, VITROPERM 500 F, epoxy-coated
Standard types, VITROPERM 250 F, low permeability cores (0.04 MB, PDF) +
Cores for Power Transformer
Cores for Power Transformer
Cores Magnetic Amplifier (MagAmp)
Amorphous Cores for MagAmp
Nanocrystalline Cores for MagAmp
Spike Blocker Cores
Amorphous Spike Blocker Cores
Nanocrystalline Spike Blocker Cores
Cores for Current Transformers in electronic Energy Meters
Cores for Current Transformers in electronic Energy Meters
Cores & Current Transformers for Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCCB)
Cores & Current Transformers for Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCCB)
Cores Special Shapes
Cores for Pulse Compression